Our first birthday bash!

We turned one in Jan 2022 and what a ride it has been.
Starting during a pandemic was tough! COVID restrictions meant bars were closed a lot of the time, or when they were open we could only drink in small groups. We had global logistics issues, container shortages, price rises... I could go on.
The benefits definitely outweigh the positives though, our big take aways are:
Meeting great people! Whether it's the bar owners, the people who buy our beers and come to the events and craft beer bars in Singapore, or the breweries we work with - we've made loads of friends from all over. We can't wait to hang out more in 2022.
Drinking great beers. One thing remains true at Quality Drops, and always will - we absolutely love great beer. It's what we think about all the time and what we search for every day. We've been very lucky to work with some of the best breweries in the UK and bring them to Singapore... where we have drunk a lot of it.
Events were still VERY fun. We have to say a big THANK YOU to our friends, customers and industry friends who come to our events. It's always great to catch up, eat, drink, forget it all and get that lovely hangover the next day. At our birthday at Orh Gao Taproom we had queues out of the door and served up a lot of pints... it was great fun all round.
Learning! I guess we didn't learn much about craft beer in school so.. we are making up for it now. We are always on a learning journey when it comes to beer, be it pale ales or sour beer, and will always try to share our knowledge with you so that we all grow as a community.
That's enough for now... See you all for some beers in the coming year and again, thank you - we really appreciate the support!